Ejdabia national park



The National Park of Ejdabia will set new standards for country park design and sustainability in Libya and beyond. The design will create a new Park on the northern edge of the city, bringing together communities and people from all walks of life, to enjoy a myriad of different active and passive leisure pursuits whilst fostering an appreciation of the natural environment. A key intention is to create a unique contemporary Libyan design character to the Park, enhancing a deeper understanding of Libyan traditions and culture, the region’s vernacular and use of materials along with the cultural and social use of the external environment.

To ensure an enjoyment of these activities, the Park, occupying a site of 145 hectares, will be laid out in the context of its desert location - with the provision of shelterbelts and enclosing elements to provide shelter, shade and reduce sand deposition, and the introduction of water to create an oasis. The city’s renown for poetry and songs in eastern Libya is celebrated and will be a significant theme running through the design of the Park.

©2018 by allabina
